Professional Well-Being Coach, Trainer, Educator, Advisor
MCLE Lawyer Wellness Competence Presenter
Conflict Resolution Consultant
Attorney Investigator
Photography by Robin Oaks
Robin Oaks, Attorney at Law
Attorney Investigator, Conflict Resolution Consultant
• Worked in a wide range of legal settings as an attorney for nearly forty years serving public and private sector clients throughout California.
• For three decades worked exclusively providing legal services investigating sensitive and complex workplace harassment and misconduct complaints.
• Solo practitioner with state-wide reputation for exceptional competence, professionalism, and integrity.
• Skilled at workplace mediations and conflict resolution services, including work climate assessments, executive coaching, and mediation training.
• Professional leadership coaching and investigation training and guidance to support supervisors responsible for resolving workplace disputes.
“She is the best.”
– L.F., Attorney
“Ms. Oaks has conducted many complex independent investigations and mediations for us. She is sensitive, thorough, dependable, and timely. In my twenty years of human resources experience, I find her to be among the very best.”
– L.B., Human Resources V.P.
“Robin Oaks has set the standard for investigations. She is simply the best. I highly recommend her!”
– C.E.D., Chief Business Officer

Creating Healthy and Equitable Work Environments
Resolving and Investigating Conflicts with Respect and Integrity
Offering Well-Being & Wellness Support & Training Services for Professional Thriving

Professional Well-Being Support Services
Coaching, Education, Training, Retreats
MCLE Wellness Competence Presentations
• Over twenty years of experience and thousands of hours of studies, training certifications in well-being, wellness, mind-body-energy, contemplative, and stress management practices.
• Lawyer MCLE Wellness Competence presentations and well-being assessments, including fostering well-being coaching support for parties in lawsuits needing stress management.
• Well-being advisor and authored numerous well-being publications; SBCBA Board Member, Well-Being Director, Chair, Well-Being Section.
• Individualized coaching for professionals, with specialized expertise supporting lawyers, high achievers, HSPs (highly sensitive person), introverts, empaths, neurodiverse and gifted.
• Designer of and law professor for accredited law courses and workshops: Lawyer Well-Being and Professional Identity.